Thursday, 31 July 2008

Biro and Com night

just finish my Biro report
although it is very easy to do it
but i still take a long time
just because i must write it in Malays.....
damn it!!!
don't like to write in Malays as i already long time didn't write for it already...
my Malays grammar really very bad now

escape from the BSMM duty slot just now due to i cannot finish my Biro report just now
ran upstairs to help Shawn and Cheryl in their rehearsal stuff
i cannot help in anything as i don't know about free style dance
only can provide the laptop as a music player
also do my report during that time
their dance getting better....
talked about the break dance stuff just now and Shawn show some
just a little bit.....getting so fun and high talk about those stuff....
promised to help Zhi Hong in his performance that night as a "kalefe" (cantonese)
haha.....but hope they can perform well in that night
no matter who get the Com King and Com Queen, that is not important at all as we all are great friends and we learn stuff in the process....haha....

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Happy Birthday mummy

Mom, Happy BirthdAy O......

Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]

Pepper Spray


Really hope that the problem can be settled.....
i don't hope that we still keep on like this as we are good friends since long time ago
but i seems like don't have chance to settle this problem with you
i already apologize for my false that i feel i had done
but you seems like not plan to accept it and say sorry for your own fault
or maybe you don't feel that you did anything wrong
whatever la.....
i just hope that you can realize it
if really feel that is y fault, please tell me what had i did that is wrong and i will say sorry
but don't tell me that you got no wrong at all....

Tuesday, 29 July 2008


my C++ programming book
DAM (one of my lecture hall)
KIY cafeteria

E-J Info Race

EJ info race team from KIY

just back from foyer
watched and help Shawn and Cheryl to practice for their COM night performance
Zhi Hong and the other COM candidates also are practicing
really cannot wait for that day

went for the E-J info race in PTSL there at 8pm
my partner is Ben
we won the first prize which gained us a hamper
many junk food inside and we separate it out to our seniors and friends
i am going to play badminton match few weeks later
not going to take so many junk food and spicy food
that's why i did not have much choices in choosing my food here
most of the food here are spicy
besides that, Ben and I will have chance to gain the grand prize which is a scanner
but i hope to get the second prize which is a printer more....haha....
actually we just played for fun and not even think that we are going to get any prize at all
feel really shock to get the first prize in our college
haha.....very funny la....haha....

[心理测验] 生日顏色

12月23日~ 01月01日=紅色
01月02日- 01月11日=橙色
01月12日- 01月24日=黃色
01月25日- 02月03日=粉紅色
02月04日- 02月08日=藍色
02月09日- 02月18日=綠色
02月19日- 02月28日=啡色
02月29日- 03月10日=水藍色
03月11日- 03月20日=石灰色
03月22日- 03月31日=紫色
04月11日- 04月20日=銀色
05月01日- 05月14日=藍色
05月15日- 05月24日=金色
05月25日- 06月03日=奶油色
06月04日- 06月13日=灰色
06月14日- 06月23日=栗色
06月24日 =灰色
06月25日- 07月04日=紅色
07月05日- 07月14日=橙色
07月15日- 07月25日=黃色
07月26日- 08月04日=粉紅色
08月05日- 08月13日=藍色
08月14日- 08月23日=綠色
08月24日- 09月02日=啡色
09月03日- 09月12日=水藍色
09月13日- 09月22日=石灰色
09月23日 =黃綠色
09月24日- 10月03日=紫色
10月04日- 10月13日=深藍色
10月14日- 10月23日=銀色
10月24日- 11月11日=白色
11月12日- 11月21日=金色
11月22日- 12月01日=奶油色
12月02日- 12月11日=灰色
12月12日- 12月21日=栗色
12月22日 =黃綠色

*紅色* 你的可愛十分惹人喜愛!對愛情你很揀擇但又常常在戀愛,也喜歡被愛的感覺。你有著清新的氣質和開朗的個性,但有些時侯也會變得'多愁善感'。 和別人相處的時侯你表現得很友善和溫柔,所以很多人願意和你親近。你喜歡跟友善和隨和的人做朋友。

*奶油色* 你愛和別人競爭,失敗的感覺你最受不了。極愛運動和戶外活動,你的性格開朗也值得別人信賴。對愛情你會表現得很小心,不會輕易愛上一個人。但一旦找到你生命中的伴侶時,你絕不會讓他跑掉。

*藍綠色* 你最注重自己的外表。對選擇愛侶的要求甚高。你! 每每擁有清晰的頭腦去思考和解決難題,又不易犯錯。你喜歡在人群中被重視,也因此令你容易認識到新朋友。

*灰色* 你很好動,也很有吸引力。你永不會把想說的 話藏在心,總會抒發自己的感情。但有時會變得較自私。你渴望得到別人的注意,討厭不公平的對待。你很風趣,也懂得在適當時侯說適當的話,常常也令到身邊的人快樂。

*綠色* 你總能和新相識的朋友相處得很好。你不算是一個害羞的人,但有時侯你的說話每每傷害了別人。你渴望得到愛侶的注意,也較喜歡'被愛'的感覺,大多數的時間你總是在等待你生命中的另一半出現。

*金色* 你很清楚什麼應該做、什麼不應該做。性格開朗又好交際。

*粉紅色* 對任何事你總是全力己赴的,還有你很愛照顧其他人。但你不是一個容易滿足的人,常有消極的想法。你常祈望你的愛情像童話故事一樣美麗和完美。

*黃色* 你是一個又天真又'甜'的人。常獲得別人的信任,亦有很強的領導能力。當要做決定或選擇的時侯,你總是做對了決定。還有,你常常朣憬著一段浪漫的戀情。

*栗色* 你有一個聰明的腦袋。也是一個自我的人,常依自己的喜好來做事,有時會因為不大理別人的感受而惹上麻煩。對於愛情你很有耐性,當你找到你要找的那一位後,你不會再愛上別人。

*橙色* 你總會對自己做過的事付責任,亦很懂得怎樣待人接物。你常常給自己定下很多目標和競爭對象。你很難去相信別人,包括你的朋友,但當你認為他是可信的話,你將會把他當成永遠的知己。

*紫色* 你是一個神祕的人,從不自私,也很難對任何人和事發生興趣。你的狀態永遠是說不定的,是一個情緒化的人。很受周遭的人歡迎,但有是你會做出愚笨的舉動,記性也不太好。你最喜歡與一些有著真性情的人做朋友。

*石灰色* 你是一個冷靜的人,但常給自己壓力。你常常在小事上挑剔,又容易妒忌。你不大會定下來,但你可愛的性格能獲得朋友的信任也樂於跟你接近。

*黑色* 你樂於接受挑戰,因為你擁有接受挑戰的勇氣。但你並不喜歡改變你自己的生活方式。一旦你落實了一個決定,你會長久地朝著這個方向走。你的愛情也是充滿挑戰和有點與別不同。

*黃綠色* 你是一個心腸軟和帶給別人溫暖的人。你與家人和朋友的關係良好。十分討厭暴力,清楚什麼應該做什麼不應該做。你也十分善良和? 酚^,又很知足,並不會輕易妒忌別人擁有什麼。

*啡色* 你很愛運動,整個人都充滿活力。但別人很難去接近你,話雖如此,你很容易投入一段感情。但當你發現你在那段感情中得不到你想要的東西時,你會立即放棄,也會復完得很快。 *藍色* 你對自己沒有信心,也很挑剔。你很有藝術天分,也很容易去愛上一個人,但當愛情來的時侯,你只是用你的'感覺'去愛,而並非用你的心去愛。

*銀色* 你是一個有豐富想像力和害羞的人,但你樂於接受新事物和新嘗試。你喜歡挑戰自己。學習新的事物時很快會上手,遇強越強。但你的愛情生活通常也比較多挫折和困惑。

*深藍色* 你是一個很吸引人的發光體,也很愛惜自己的生命。你對身邊所有事物都帶著強烈的感覺。你是一個容易'意亂情迷'的人。如果有人把你激怒了,你很難會原諒他。

*白色* 你的人生充滿著夢和理想。你對周遭的事有點漠不關心,容易妒忌。你是較為獨特的一群,有時侯,你心中想法總會比別人高深一點。

*水藍色* 你的感覺來去如風。你的生活也帶點孤單,很愛旅遊。你對待別人很真誠,但太容易受別人的影響。對你來說,尋找愛情是一件很難的事,也容易在愛中迷失,令你很容易便被愛情所傷。

ICT fair

in my pc lab now
is very sien here and the lecturer is not here yet
feeling very sleepy and wanna go to sleep
walked around the ict fair in UKM here in Pusanika
thinking want to get a 4Gb pendrive because my pendrive have no enough space for me to keep so many stuff inside
actually gettinga printer also is a great stuff since we need to print out our assignment
and the cc there always charge us for so expensive rate
RM0.20 per page.
think about it what if you got 100 pages of assignment to print
it will cost you RM20 already
the other thing is you won't have only one project......
so many subjects and every subjects need an assignment....
really killing.....

Monday, 28 July 2008


went to a badminton play with those registered in DG for a choose players process for SUKEM
i and a gal name Mei Huai will play for girl team
Shawn and Zhi Sheng (a guy i just knew him yesterday) will play for guy team
actually i do not have much experience in badminton match as i just get training only
i totally don't know about the rules for double players
i used to play in single and my last match is when i were 10 years old
long time ago huh???is 10 years le......
at start i not really thought before that i want to play in badminton as i lost almost all my skill as i stopped from my training since 3 years ago
last few weeks play back badminton with Shawn and his friends make me feel really very eager to play again
played with Mei Huai yesterday make me feel very fun and she is really a great player
she can smash well and jump well
really hope that i can get part with her in the double player game
but don't know la.....we two have to train much in this as we never played together before
it is very funny while we part in a game with two Malays gals
we won the game but actually it is just lucky
if really want to put us into the real match in the condition yesterday, we sure will lose the game
haha.....hope that we can get trained well before our match at 15 of August

stopped from netball training since not long time ago
as i still got go training with the nettball team of KIY few weeks ago
not plan to play back netball in match but if training or just play for fun i will go
cause not plan to get darker anymore the ball so much but no choice

met many players here
some of my friends here great in basketball, some in golf and some in ping pong and badminton
those players are very great and really feel that we are actually nothing....
is true....don't ever thought that you are very great even if you been present state before
you will become nothing when you see those really great players

Shawn's brother fetch us to the DG there while others walked there
we reached there quite early and started our playing as warming up
is a very great fun play with those guys but they keep on 让me
haiz....i always lose the game when play with guys

class canceled

the calculus class been canceled again
i really cannot understand what happen to the lecturer
she really like to cancel the class.
almost every Monday morning, she will cancel the class.....=.=
should i feel happy???maybe
cause she not seems like know how to teach even.
sad la.....

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Back to UKM

reach UKM at 4.35pm although i depart from Penang at 9.30am.
take a long time right???
because the bus stopped at the Butterworth Bus Station for a very long time and only depart at 11am
it also stopped at the Jalan Duta toll there and the bus driver go for a meal....
and we reach Kajang Bus Station at 4.15pm.
we wait for the Rapid KL but can't get it.
finally we get a taxi to go back to KIY in RM8
the price is acceptable at least
go out for a jogging with Kean Wei as we planned for a badminton play in KKM but Shawn didn't show out himself at last
had my dinner with Kean Wei, Shawn and Shawn's room mate in KIY
now only i get free a little bit and going to finish my homework in EST.
haiz.....getting so tired today.....

tomorrow will be a very busy day because i will have class from 9am until 10pm and only will get a stop of 3 hours between 2pm to 5pm
after my class tomorrow, i will have a Pesta Tanglung interview in KIY until 12.30am
another thing is, if not mistaken, i still have to attend to a badminton player choosing meeting for SUKEM.....but i don't know the actual time to attend.
if i could be cut into few, i think i will do it.....
really damn busy day in this coming week as i really got many stuff to do.
hope that i really can be more free after the prom night.

EST vs online

i didn't finish my EST homework at last
because i got a message from Hwee and ask me go to Foyer for having "shan zhu"
which she brought it fro her hometown, Johor
after that we bring down our laptop and online together in foyer
3 laptops online together in foyer
me, Hwee and Shawn.....and other friends look at our laptop together with us at there.
talk around about friendster at there....haha....
adding this and that friends....
go back to my room very late and sleep
at last, my EST homework been left out.....haiz....

almost forgot.....
today is someone's birthday.....
happy birthday.....=)




昨天,去了三间shopping mall
那就是BJ complex, tesco extra还有queensbay mall
sony ericsson。。。。。k530i。。。。。

Friday, 25 July 2008


Penang, my lovely hometown....
finally i back to here again after 2 weeks in UKM....
feeling so miss the foods here and the people here....really....
get onto bus with Kean Wei at 4pm from Puduraya there and finally reach Penang at 9pm....
we both feel very happy....because we finally back to our hometown already....
going to shopping around to get my stuff BJ and Queensbay Mall
will be very busy tomorrow but i still feel very happy with it....=)

got a message from my friend in UKM there and ask why i don't want take part in SUKEM in badminton....
haha....i didn't get in time for the registeration as i were back to Penang last 2 weeks when they open for registration....he seems like disappointed with it.....but cannot change anything as the registeration already closed....
i am not a good player in badminton as i already stop from my training since 3 years ago as i get serious hurt in my finger.
but i still promise him to accompany him to training as he really need friends to help him
actually i just want to play with someone can beat me well.and he really can play much more better then me.....enjoy the feeling even i lost the game.

will back to UKM on this Sunday morning
bacause that is the only bus that i can get back to Kajang and the situation there will be much more better then the Puduraya.
the other advantage is i can reach my hostel by just take a T430 Rapid KL bus
i don't need take LRT and then change to KTM and then change to Rapid KL bus to reach my hostel
but the bus will depart at 9.30am in the morning.
very early.....
sorry for cannot meet you all again even i in Penang for a longer time then last time
i really hope that i can but i really have not enough time....

one more thing i want to inform everyone who might see this post is, i won't use my Digi number already and i passed it to my mum....
my new number is 017-4527197
hope that everyone here can be informed and can call me by this number
thanks anyway and very sorry for not inform most of you guys.....sorry ya......

Going home!!!!Yeah!!!!!happy.....=)

going home today after my Pesta Tanglung meeting
hope can reach home as early as i can.....i really miss Penang very much.....
but this time i cannot meet my friends because they are busy with their test in the coming weeks
never mind la.....we still can meet each other when i back to Penang next time in September

my handphone brok down again
this time, the problem is when i call people, it has no sound and when i pick up a call, i cannot hear what the people talk sound again.....kek ki!!!!
i still can message but cannot call......shit!!!!
i just fix it not long time ago but now it come out with problems again!!!!
few days ago, the problem is my bluetooth cannot connect with other device especially my laptop
this really touched me because i cannot backup my file into my laptop!!!

will not attend to the orientation of the faculty today because i will go home today at 1pm
also cannot attend to the orientation next week due to i will have my Biro duty in the SUKEM next Friday.....
actually i also not feel like want to go, due to i really don't like that such thing
been played by those seniors and still need to smile at them and make like you so like to be played!!!!
they some more want us to get 80 signatures of the seniors and don't know whose signatures else
if not, we won't get any direct senior.....=.=
please la!!!!these all stuff just to 满足他们的虚荣心only lo.....
i really hate it!!!!not feeling like want to go
luckily i always can find my excuse not to go.....lucky......=)


something wrong with me this few days
i eat so much!!!!
example: yesterday after my calculus class at 11am, i had my lunch in KIY with kean wei and tong hao.....after that, i went down to FST to meet Shawn and we had lunch with William at there.that is my second lunch!!!!
i went back to my room and clean up my room, i ate soe biscuits before i come out to the career course at 1.45pm
after the career talk at 5pm, we were provided fried mee and some kuih.....i ate again.....
back to my room and clean up my room again, get a call from Shawn them ask me to meet themm in cafe
kean wei and tong hao they all were there since they just finish their class together
i ate nasi goreng ayam again..... oh my god!!!!
i ate so many thing in one day!!!!oh god!!!! why?????

the day before, just guess what i ate for my dinner????
i ate 1 piece of roti planta and a plate of nasi goreng ayam!!!!!

oh god!!!why????
must control back again......try the best......=s

Thursday, 24 July 2008


talked with Zhi Hong today when we were in our career course because we are in same group
we both feeling headache about our SOA (society of acturiary) exam
the test will be held in the coming September and we all don't have ant confidence on it
really very terrible and feel headache on it
take a very long time to study about that exam because our lecturer won't teach it one
study on ourselves
sad....this make me even busier....
the first paper is the Exam P (Probability)
my probability damn bad since long time ago
headache with it now
5 papers.....don't even know can i finish even 2 during my universiy life or not.....sad la
the next paper is the finance mathematics which is much more easier (according to my friend's sister who took it)
but it is still very hard for me because i have to study on my own again....

get a bad news that i have to take biology in the next sem....
oh my god!!!! don't even talk to me about it!!! i feel headache when i heard about it
get a big laugh by Shawn when he heard that i have to study Biology!
"haha!!!!!u take Biology a????haha.....sure die ......"
i know la....haiz.....sad er.....
really cannot understand why am i the statistic student need to take Biology er???
just like i am taking Physics now...really wonder er....
the physics not same as what we learned in form 6 even
they are talking about the science but not physics la
all taught by the lecturer are just commonsence la
it seems like nothing to do with physics la
and the worst thing is the lecturer like to cancel the class at his own and do not inform us....
let us go wait so early at there and then go back....sweat......

Navigate Your Career

went to a career course at 2pm after finish my lunch with Shawn and William in FST
that talk is very fun
the talk today is about communication skill today
we learn up how to make presentation in a great and correct way
we been separated into 5 groups with about 10 people per group
we been asked to build up a "country"
my group's country name is Engmany
is the combine of the England and the Germany
it is very fun to play at there and we have to build up that country by imagine it as a future country in year 3000.....
we been given two foam, 1 set of crayon and needles
we are given half and hour to complete our discussion, choose a "parliament" and build out our country
this will show out the team work.....haha...
it is fun.....

came back to my room very late
clean up my room and tidy up my things
i will go back to Penang tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, 23 July 2008


go for the BSMM duty slot tonight
as i reach my kolej at 7 sth
so sien
learn up some cheering and clapping stuff
and learn how to sing the song of them
finish that duty slot at 9.30pm and my meeting of the Biro stuff finished earlier
just got a news that i have to duty on this coming saturday
but i bought my ticket home le
have to talk to William....haiz....ask him find someone to ganti me

go back to my room
and my line here still very terrible
can on9 but do nothing with it
continue my study
really feel very boring in class....don't even know what the lecturer talk about
they talk and talk....but no one understand....sad.....
the lecturer here like to cancel their class at the last minutes
and don't want inform us earlier one...kek ki....

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

tired and busy day

still in the foyer as i just came back from a library course which going to prepare us for a match named E-J info race next week.
helping my friend to practice her COM night performance and don't know where is her partner now and she need a laptop to help her in playing songs

actually i did not join this match when my senior finding people to join it because i were not around.
when i ate my dinner with friends just now, we talked about it and seniors told me there are 2 vacancies left
Ben and me just join it in the very last minutes
we ran back to the room and change our clothes
came down to the foyer to meet our seniors and other friends
i only got know that my university library got so many facilities here which we do not know
it is fun but just at the starting
we started to play MSN with each other even we just sit neighboring.
it is funny
i been dared by my friend to on friendster
i did it!and they got shocked....haha....
because there are so many lecturer there....haha....

go to BSMM there to find my senior and change my duty slot stuff....

tomorrow i will be damn busy as i got the BSMM duty slot from 8.30pm till 9.30pm
and at the same time, i also got a meeting at 9pm
i hope that i could be cut into 2.....


my class will start at 2pm and end at 5pm today...
just a programming class and a pc lab only...
but i been woke up so early by the stupid car which parked downstairs of my room....damn it!!!
they just keep on making noisy sound downstairs by the engine sound
making people wake up in such morning.
really brainless....i slept so late yesterday night and just want to sleep till later to keep back my spirit.
going back to sleep again later after my breakfast and study a bit about my C++ before i go to my class....

trying to make myself busier and busier nowadays so that i won't think about nonsense stuff anymore
my mood is not stable recently
making all my stuff not going in the right way...
trying to learn up to make myself so busy and have no time for nonsense. friend keep on told me this word when i feel stress....
relationship stuff......always keep me away from my real soul.
don't like it but i can't escape.
getting easier and easier to feel uneasy nowadays
when can i keep myself away from such thing????
when can i find somebody to understand me??
Relax.....Relax......take it easy.....



Monday, 21 July 2008


today really is a very tired day
just finish my class at 9.30pm and came back to the BSMM to settle my duty stuff...
so tired....

went to the library to find out about Economic stuff
i have no even a little bit basic about it....really damn terrible
some people told me that it is the easiest subject in all art stream subject but i think i really need quite long time for it.....haiz....
pity la....

met Shawn in library as he came to me and study together...
he showed me his beloved Biology, my god!
i really can't understand about it at sad....
research is needed for we all who in UKM since UKM is a University Penyelidikan....
headache about all those thing
many people in library today....
everyone seems like very hardworking making me feel so stress....
spend my evening until 4.30pm in library and go to Pusanika to get my stationery
met Zhi Hong there and go buy breads since we both feel very hungry
go to DAM for our Hubungan Etnik class...
very boring there and i just continue my Economics study there and chat around with friend
the class finish at 6pm but actually it suppose finish at 8pm due to activities are going to held in DAM.
so happy for that...
walk from FST to Amin there to have our dinner...
went back to FST for our last class today which is Economics...
the lecturer suddenly tell us that the books we got cannot be used because he is going to change back the book to Malays but our books is in English!damn it!!!
and he is going to teach in Malays and our exam will be in Malays...
i will like listen to Alien's speaks in class already...
so pity....
did not really touch Malays in my book for a long time and i getting all my books in English in library.
really feel that i will fail my exam...i don't want la!!!

talk about the SOA exam today....really don't know how many papers can i take during my university life....
the paper one will be held in the September and i not yet prepare anything about it
i and Zhi Hong both thinking want to push it to the next year since we have not enough time to prepare for it yet...
the first paper is Probability and will cost me 100 USdollar which equal to RM300 something now....


the calculus class was canceled suddenly after we all reach there.
really very terrible.we were not been informed earlier for that but only be informed when we were ready for the class....gai....

really miss the internet line i used is damn fast...
the line is very slow during weekdays due to too many people using it.
although it is wired.but it not seems like much more better then the wireless
i can downloaded many songs yesterday but not today...
i take coupled time more then yesterday to download a song
terrible ler...
Take a Bow (Rihanna)

Ohh, how about a round of applause,
Yeah, standin' ovation,
Ooh ohh yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah.

You look so dumb right now,
Standin' outside my house,
Tryin' to apologize,
You’re so ugly when you cry,
Please, just cut it out.

Don’t tell me you’re sorry 'cause you’re not,
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught,
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin',
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtain’s finally closin',
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin',
But it’s over now (but it's over now),
Go on and take a bow, ohh ohh.

Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone),
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on),
Talkin’ 'bout girl, I love you, you’re the one,
This just looks like the re-run,
Please, what else is on.

And don’t tell me you’re sorry 'cause you’re not (mmm),
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught (mmm),
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin',
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtain’s finally closin',
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin',
But it’s over now (but it's over now),
Go on and take a bow, ohh.

And the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you),
For makin' me believe that you could be paithful to me,
Let's hear your speech out,
How about a round of applause,
A standin' ovation.

But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin',
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtain’s finally closin',
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin',
But it’s over now (but it's over now),
Go on and take a bow.

But it's over now.

a great song introduce by one of my it so much....=)

Sunday, 20 July 2008


went out for badminton with Shawn.
Kean Wei didn't join us as she got a gathering with her Chung Ling friends in their senior's house.
William got his swimming training with his friends as they will have their swimming competition in the coming weekend.

walk the whole way from KIY to KKM...because we can't get any bus or taxi from KIY....
it is damn far away. like doing warming up all the way
we walked quite fast but still took about 20 minutes to reach the KKM.
due to Shawn forget about the shortcut way and i only know the long way to there.
2 more guys (my course mate, but i not really know them)played together...haha....
they played well....i really got damn bad stamina even get training for netball recently.don't even talked about badminton.
smash well and great with Shawn. he won the game....
but i think they will feel quite free to play with me as they really can play very well.
much more better then me.

not training for badminton since 3 years ago....totally didn't touch it.
making me lost all my skills in that game.
hope that i can catch it back in the mean time......=)

but i still get praise by those guys that i really can play very well although i did not touch the racket for a long time......haha....really hope so...
hope that i really can get back my skill and play even better.....
talk much today....
everyone got or white, is part of our life.....
my eyes....very scary....m i????
somebody told me that when i look at him i seems like can look into his soul
m i???
so wonder....




Quiet Sunday

woke up early in the morning today....
is a quiet Sunday, some people went home since Friday and some others were yesterday.
our hostel is very quiet now, not much people stay around.
some people got other plan like going out with friends to Mid Valley, Times Square, Sungai Wang or even The Mines to shop around.

start to study my C++ and calculus since few days ago when i were free...
it is still ok for me in calculus but not C++ the programming stuff...
my god.....
it is really tough enough since it is new things to me.
my pc skill not that good and this subjuct really can kill me.
Vincent taught me many thing as we discuss some question about C++ last Friday.
He is very good in programming stuff but not me.

university life need our discipline which controlled by ourselves and i am still learning about it.
many activities in the campus life make us very busy and almost no time to study.
our discipline is very important as we need to start study ourselves.
the quiz is coming up their ways and i don't wan get any simple mistakes but want to get a mistake that may make me learn something.
many assignments are coming up their ways too...
the first one will be the Persatuan Pelajar report.
my group was formed by me and Shook Yin and 2 Indians girls and one Malays guy
those two Indians girls just stay in the same row as my room...haha...
but i don't know who is that Malays guy.

planning to go play badminton in the evening today.
sports play very important role in our university life.
a player who stop from playing sports for a long time will easily get fat and the shape of body will become =.= sample....
i tried before in the year 2006.
but not this year although i didn't play netball for almost one year since the mid year of 2007
but at least i got do some pumping and sit up in my room everyday to keep myself fit.

talk about something with someone yesterday.
got what i want to know from him and i swear i won't do it again....
thanks for telling me. i understand your feeling.
really sorry for that day.
and welcome for your apologize also...=>

Saturday, 19 July 2008


William and Shawn...
Shawn, me and Kean Wei
William and me

Times Square

Just came back from Times Square....
hang out to Puduraya there to get my ticket home next week with Kean Wei after finish our Persatuan Pelajar and lunch at UO Cafe.
Shawn and William are going out with us too
the Puduraya there is a damn complicated place.many types of people there and it is very dangerous for only girls there
i really hate the situation there and not really like to be there if not i really miss Penang so much and want to get my bus tickets

going back to Penang on 25th of August....
hope can meet you all.....miss you all very much....

went to Times Square after bought our bus tickets.
having a great fun walk around there.
we separated out into 2 groups after having our "dinner" at the Kenny Roger Roaster at about 4pm something and i go buy my stuff with Kean Wei
William and Shawn went to meet their friend
we meet back again and go to Watson to help Christine to buy her lotion.
those guys bought ice cream and Aunty's Anne bread.
having the second dinner at the Aunty's Anne there.
walk around in those sports shops and then go back to KL Sentral with monorail.
get into the KTM at KL Sentral and reach UKM at 10 something.
really have a fun time today.
a very hard to get a free time like today to hang out together.
like Shawn said: You are very lucky to get me on when i am free
is true....
damn busy life in UKM here during weekdays.
so happy to get a free days to go out today.
we all thinking for next time.
but don't know when will it come since we will be back home the next week and we will have our faculti activities in the coming weekend and our Com night is coming too....

Friday, 18 July 2008

just back

Just come back from my fac orientation....
sitting in front of my laptop again.....
dealing with my t-shirt designing stuff and searching for my performance stuff....
the coming two weeks i will be very busy....
will have a Com night at 1st august and the 2nd & 3rd of August will have fac trip....don't know they wanna go to Genting or Cameron....
the 17th of August, will have a Fac night....hope that i wont get choosed to be the candidates and need to perform.....haha....







Fed Up!

i really fed up with all those things already...
i cant even breath, feeling like killing recently with my co-k stuff, study stuff and even relationship stuff....
i really don't know whether other people facing the same situation too
but i and my friend really facing the same problems
too busy with the performance stuff and relationship stuff
his friends is too hot and my friends how i duno....
just that the relationship stuff make both of us cannot breath anymore
ran out to dealing with our stuff on thurs in Pusanika there cos wana buy things and get money from bank
talk about many things, suddenly feel that we both like robots...=.=
pity la....
getting more and more gai when my class tutorial was in Malays
the slide also in malays while we must write in English in exam....
really terrible.....
i also don't want everything become like that
that is not worth at all to pay out the relationship for years like that
but you all really disappointed me....
really hope that everything will be fine after a while and the time passed....

Thursday, 17 July 2008

library course

going to sing this song “爱的主旋律”in my fac orientation tomorrow
busy life in UKM here
my eye now very painful due to not get enough sleep yesterday nitez and looking at the laptop for whole day today
dealing with my t-shirt designing and my software stuff...
went to the library course today evening and get know more about our UKM library
its name is Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang...
is the biggest library in Asia Tenggara....really damn big as it got 3 floors...
and also the rules is damn many
it been separate to 4 floors
3 floors with books and 1 floor for digital stuff....

tomorrow only got one class, and i must go to my faculty orienatation
beside introduce myself(what i keep on doing recently), have to perform something also
really headache about it and finally we all decide to sing
got my Penang orientation also tomorrow, but i don't know the time since i can't get to attend to the meeting few days ago
give up about the netball Sukem also
i didn't go when they choosing player for the match
i really thinking wana play but i really very busy and don't wanna get black
Shawn will play in Sukem as badminton player and William will swim....
Hwee Hwee also give up about her swimming stuff as there is not enough people taking part...
scaring about tomorrow...cos i know quite alot of seniors and they can recognise me
shit!!!!i will get played....=.=


男:是你在那个雨季 走进我生命
带着一点任性 和温柔的表情
女:是你在那个 雨季 赶走了孤寂
温柔的笑容 换我仅有的坚定
要说这是幸运 还是不可思议
女:身边有太多风景 我却停在这里
说我傻的可以 还不是因为你
合:爱的主旋律 永远唱下去
女:是你在那个雨季 赶走了孤寂
温柔的笑容 换我仅有的甜蜜
要说这是幸运 还是不可思议
女:身边有太多风景 我却停在这里
说我傻的可以 还不是因为你
合:爱的主旋律 永远唱下去
女:爱会更 甜蜜
合:爱的主旋律 永远唱下去


上网找资料,准备功课,看看有什么表演的slide show可以参考

get on9 d....happy....

Finally i get to on9 in my room as my internet cable stuff settled...
went to buy my books
my calculus book is damn heavy and big...
luckily got shawn help me today.....thanks ya.....haha...
but i very wonder, how m i going to bring that book to my class in the future???
it is really heavy...heavier than my laptop er....sad la....

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Busy days

my university life were damn busy
even wanna go buy new books for study also have not enough time to do so
yesterday went to the Pejabat Bendahari there to pay for my book
took the receipt and went to the PPU again to get my book....
it is raining so heavy and at last i get all wet with my friend, Chi Tat
went back to KIY (my hostel) at 4pm by bus and get a bath
go to my Hubungan Etnik class and chit chat around with Shawn and Zhi Hong them during the class because the class is very boring
Found the Malays girls who will be in the group as me in in a project for Hubungan etnik
the system here is very weird, when we are dealing with a project, we must form a group in few etnic
really don't know is because they scare that those Malays canbot follow or beat those Chinese?
or Chinese is too good in such things?
but i don't think so
everyone have the same opportunity if they all work hard together...suppose...
we all decided our topic in 5 minutes time since we already read about the details before that
but cause my malays member ran back too early after the class, we cannot get a chance to discuss with them also
haiz.....don't know la
Shawn and Hwee Hwee they all said nevermind about it
just leave it like that since i already be prepared to do all the project with Hwee them.

join the BSMM KIY yesterday....thinking that wanna learn something about first aids
i also join New Tune not long time ago
they will have a concert on this friday...going to enjoy it...haha....

my schedule full with class everyday....the credit hours need to collect in this sem is 20 units
the next sem will be even busier....22units
my god!really killing la! choice

went to the persatuan pelajar which is my co-k last very boring society
but i have no choice since this is the easiest gaining point society due to the exam is very easy to score (according to my seniors)
got a big shock with you guys .....really...
i really dare not to do so...sorry...
i don't wan spoilt anything i got now since i still enjoying it now
i promise, i did't forget anyone of you all in penang although i get new friends here...
i really miss you all and feel very sadd because i can't get to meet you all when i back to penang last week...
i really very rush...that is because i got ptptn stuff on last Saturday....sorry....
i will be back to Penang in september when i got mid sem break....real!
everyetime i go back to penang, i will feel like wasting money since the transport fees is very expensive
i don't mind to be tired due to the travelling on bus back to penang but i really feel very sad when i saw my family they wll worry about me all my way home alone...and they have to pay for my bus fees....
i really miss penang so much...everything is so familiar to me in penang, when i step on that land,even just one second, i feel blissful and thankful
just because that is my hometown...
i miss queensbay so much i wana go shopping at there....
mid valley is nice here but very far away from my uni and i nit to stuck in the ktm with people
really feeling bad about that

really feel sad when i got know that you got such thinking on me....
i really not mean anything to tell you all i like the life here...
just a truth
and i miss you all + penang is the truth also....100%
get caught by the KIY netball team yesterday
i not feel like wana play in the sukem actually
i got com night at the match day and many things to be prepared
training with them is very relaxing actually
get to play back my lovely netball is the happiest thing for me but i will get dark again
really don't know what decision should be made??
should i play???haiz.....really headache la!

Sunday, 13 July 2008

big swimming pool...

A big swimming pool here in ukm....very big and deep.....haha.....

DECTAR UKM (a big hall....)

my uni new friends

vincent and me...a guy study in actuarial science....
Kean Wei and me.....a gal from Penang Chung Ling....haha.....

william and me...come from my partner for a dinner dance performance..haha...

shawn and me....a guy from melaka.....always bully me....

Hwee Hwee and my coursemate and my best friend here.....haha.....from Johor...

christin and me....pretty nice gal is she?

Ah Seng and senior in KIY.....cute bo?haha....


原本还想去mid valley逛街的,可是却下起雨来。
晚上去了keris mas那边吃晚餐
被sukem的netball team player抓住了

Thursday, 10 July 2008



PLAZA RAKYAT是我上车的地方,老实说,要我一个人在那边上车不是不能,只是我会怕!因为那边很杂,有好多好多种类的人,外劳也好多

My university life in UKM actually very busy, every night I have meeting with friends about our com night, which is a formal dinner
We will have a performance at that night and we have to put much effort on it
Every Friday, I also have the orientation in my faculty which include all chinese, who are those taking actuarial science, statistic and pure maths
In actuarial science class, there are only 3 Malays this year! The others are Chinese! So great!
In my statistic class, the ethnic is moderate la! The ratio is about 1:1 like that
In pure maths class, most of them are Malays instead of Chinese

Our kolej (hostel) been launch English Speaking Zone yesterday night.
Everyone have to speak in English when you are in kolej Ibrahim Yaakub (my kolej)
Luckily I used to speak in English since I were there last week.

Know many new friends at there…everyone is nice and always like to play together.
Like Hwee Hwee, Shawn, William, Mei Wen, Kean Wei, Suet Yee, Tong Hoe and many many more….
I am so Happy to be here although I miss my hometown, Penang and my friends, my family in Penang.

How about yours? my friends? Enjoying your university life too??? Hope so…

Tuesday, 8 July 2008


today i really very happy....haha...
becoz i only got one class which is only take me 2 hours
i am free after 1pm and walk around my uni with my friends....

yest nitez i were very happy also coz i get to eat pork at last
a friend seludup into our hostel and pass it to me...
i had not yet eat pork since 2 weeks poor me....
now i finally get it!haha....

为了学业上的unit credit,我们也不可以放弃大学的活动



Monday, 7 July 2008

back for a while

hi, everyone.....i m back..haha...
just a while only la cos i now in cc...
doing my EQ test which is compulsory for those new students

i just finished my orientation week on last saturday
today is the first day i startd to have classes
today is the busiest day for me as i got 3 classes in one day
Had a very fun and torche week n my orientation week
know new friends as all my friends are not in the same university or kolej with me
those peoples here are very sporting and friendly
i quite enjoy my university life here since i started my life here a week ago
i will share my orientation week with everyone when i back to penang on this coming thurs in here as i have ot much time left to talk much here
many of my friends came frm Johor, Penang, Subang, Melacca
oh ya, my room mate were people from Butterworth
is chung ling butterworth ex student

ok, not much time left already
i am going back to hostel already
bye everyone....=)
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