Friday, 10 August 2007

Color Symbolism

The meaning of the eight colors in short test

GREEN: The green of the test contains a certain amount of blue and is the test-color representing the physiological condition of "elastic tension". It expresses itself psychologically as the will in operation, as perseverance and tenacity. Blue-green is therefore an expression of firmness, of constancy and ,above all, of resistance to chance. Blue-green: represents "Elasticity of Will" and is concentric, passive, defensive, autonomous, retentive, possessive and immutable. Its affective aspects are persistence, self-assertion, obstinacy and self-esteem.

BLUE represents "Depth of Feeling" and it has emotional correspondence with tranquillity, calmness, recharging, contentment, tenderness, unification, sensitivity, love and affection. It denotes primary concern for self.

RED represents "Force of Will" and corresponds to desire, excitability, domination, sexual interests, aggression, controlled passion and autonomy. It also denotes concern for others over self interests.

YELLOW represents "Spontaneity" and corresponds to exhilaration, originality, expectancy and variability and the desire to expand and be active. It also denotes concern for others over self interests.

There are four so-called Auxiliary Colors: Black, Violet, Brown and Grey.

Black and Grey are actually not colors at all but represent the negation of color.

Violet attempts to unify the impulsive conquest of red and the gentle surrender of blue, becoming representative of identification. This identification is a sort of mystic union, a high degree of sensitive intimacy leading to complete fusion between subject and object, so that everything which thought and desired must become reality. It is also preferred by pre-adolescent children, pregnant women and people with hyper-thyroidism and homosexuals of both genders. Violet can be considered to be a desire for mystic intimacy or understanding. BROWN represents sensation as it applies to the bodily senses. It indicates either a need for or a hopeless forfeit of body comfort, depending on its position. This was the "most preferred" color in displaced persons after World War II. Its association signifies the need for roots or belonging, insecurity or being in a situation in which an individual feels unable to cope.

BLACK represents the absolute boundary beyond which life ceases. Black as a "preferred color" means that the person choosing it is rejecting and renouncing everything out of stubborn protest against a situation in which he feels hopeless. It is seen as a rebellion against fate and a revolt against life as the only means for hope.

GREY being that it has no color, not dark nor light, it represents non-involvement and concealment.


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