Tuesday, 30 September 2008

rainy day again,....

today is a rainy day.....lol
very nice and suitable fro me to sleep...so lazy to walk out of my house....
yu came to my house for a short while just now.....
accompany her to go out have a short tea time + lunch opposite my house...
talked about movie and some other stuffs.....
feel so comfort slept whole night yesterday night until today morning 10am....
yesterday was damn tiring.....that is a very special experience for me.....haha....
today really can make me take a good rest and now looking at my C++ stuff + listening songs + chatting...haha...
enjoy the life now here in my house....
the time passed quite fast and my holiday is finishing......half way already....haiz....
my study just get started....damn!!what am i doing now????

Monday, 29 September 2008

落难日 + 历险记

wah...my yummy dinner in Kim Gary...=)hehe....
Thanks god!!!! I reach here.....=)
HELP!!!!the wave is 'after' me!!!!
check this out...found the boundary of the sky and the sea????all dark.....
walau...the wave...=S
all wet....=.=...haha....
siao po on boat....don't misunderstand....i m the camera girl....hehe....
on the boat....the wind damn heavy....
Entrance of Penang National Park
nice view huh???just before the rain...hehe...
a view to the sea from Penang National Park

planned to Pantai Keracut today.....
canceled it when we reach the National Park of Penang and changed our destination to Monkay Beach which is nearer......
the weather is not good enough today....keep on raining.....
7 of us choose to go by boat......RM90 for two ways....
10 of other friends choose to go by hiking through the National Park there....
the rain was not seems like gonna stop even.....
but because the rain is not very heavy....we keep on moving....
but when the boat been drove till the half way, the rain is very very heavy and the storm seems like coming up its way.....
the boat is not very big and stable enough....the main thing is, it was shaking and the sea water + rain make all of us get wet.....we choose to turn back our head and went back to the beach.....
we called those friends who went by hiking to turn back also.....but they asked us to go picnic in the half way there...in a 'pondok'.....
after the picnic, the weather changed to be better a little bit....
they choose to continue the journey....we walked all the way....and the way is so familar for me as i been there when i were in form 3...brought by Mr. Michael Chong my Geography Teacher....
we walked till the beach of Muka Head....
the rain was not stop at all but continue fall even heavier....
the wave become bigger and bigger until we had no place to stand on the beach...everyone's shoes got wet....
we ran and scream when the wave came....damn!it is scary for many people...
honestly, I did not feel scare at all but at that time, I just try to figure out a way for us to save all of us from all of this stuff.....just turn back our head or just ran through the beach????which one we should do??
Esther and Min choose to turn back....I really don't know which way should I choose at the one moment but at last I choose to give up and just turn back my way....
this is the safer way and the best decision for me.....I think many people will agree with me....
other friends seems like so eager to go till the last destination....
sorry if you all feel that I were selfish at that time....but that is the best way for me....and all of us....serious....
the weather were damn bad....
4 of us walked back ourselves while others still thinking wanna continue their journey or turn back.....
sorry for behaved selfish in this thing....
took a bath in the toilet there and other friends also turned back at the last....
called the bus to fetch us back earlier then the early plan.
4 of us went to Gurney and walked around....nothing to do
decided to go for a movie at last....we watched ' Mamma Mia'.....
hehe....a funny movie......
had our dinner in the Kim Gary at last and went home....

trapped in a traffic jam for half an hour after dropped yu home....
it is raining too heavy all the way.....
reached home at 9.30pm at last....hehe....finally...



Sunday, 28 September 2008



  * 有点害羞,但曾在分别的街头,大声说我爱你。

  * 同我去庙里求籤,轻轻捉住我的手一同跪下。

  * 言而有信。

  * 从来不迟到--我迟到他不生气。

  * 拥抱很久、很紧--每次我起身时几乎是需要慢慢推开他。

  * 睡得比我迟一点,醒来早一点。

  * 朦胧醒来轻唿我的名字--没有唿错。

  * 记得我的日期、鞋号、密码、最怕的事。

  * 我很怕虫子,见到虫子大声尖叫他不会笑我。

  * 雨后的早晨我去花园,用小树枝爬到路上来的蚯蚓送还草地--他在一边帮我。

  * 笑起来很像个坏蛋--其实不是。

  * 不舒服时,请假带我去看医生,回来路上买冰淇淋做奖励。

  * 开车绝不喝酒,让我繫上安全带。

  * 帮我做家务,每天。边做边聊天。

  * 常常帮助别人,不为什么。

  * 答应我:永远不。然后永远不。

  * 一边吹口哨一边修马桶。

  * 说:希望你是我的女儿。

  * 白煮蛋的黄可以给他吃。

  * 雨天散步,背我过积水,说:你还可以再胖一些啊。

  * 吵嘴时不会一走了之。

  * 错了会认错。

  * 我说笑话他笑。

* 逛街时我看中同一款式三种颜色的裙子,他说:都试一遍好了。

  * 试鞋时,他把我的卡通袜叠叠塞进上衣口袋。

  * 常常说,有我呢。

  * 事情过了才告诉我,轻描淡写。

  * 指甲整齐干净,喜欢我替他剪指甲。

  * 我做的菜他每样都爱吃,要求明天再做。

  * 小孩子都喜欢他,常常在楼下玩一裤子泥回来。

  * 轻轻拧开我拧不开的汽水瓶。

  * 忙时给我订机票,让我带父母一起出去玩。

  * 告诉我--24小时随时打电话。

  * 告诉我--不要省钱。

  * 去义务献血,回来笑嘻嘻掏出一块「福利饼干」给我尝。

  * 偷偷买一件两人合穿的雨衣放在车上。

  * 我喜欢赤脚,他在副驾驶位脚下铺一小块羊绒毯。

  * 留言时画一个小老虎头当签名。

  * 偶尔叫我妈妈。

  * 说谎时结巴。

  * 与人争论听上去像是解释。

  * 教我滑旱冰,扶着我跑了快一千公里。

  * 从不上网聊天。

  * 他的秘书说帮他缝上脱落的纽扣,他说谢谢,不用。

  * 送我的花是盆花,替我浇水。

  * 和我下棋,允许我悔棋。

  * 他其实很早就对他的父母说起我??

  * 喜欢运动,带我去招待女宾俱乐部。

  * 穿十年前的牛仔裤仍然合身。

  * 他养了一条大狗,他的狗喜欢我。

  * 吵嘴时我要他还我送给他的维尼熊,他坚决不还。

  * 我不辨方向,他体内有指南针,说--跟牢我。

  * 吃我吃剩的东西。

  * 我失眠时他陪我聊天。

  * 用双肘和膝部支撑体重??

  * 她以前的女友有困难会来找他。没有困难则不会。

  * 手上有一道伤--和几个小流氓打架时捏住对方的刀,我警告他下次不要这样了,他点头一笑不答。

  * 比我高,我取不到的东西让他取。

  * 重大的事情和我商量,比如明年的投资计划、週末野餐带不带烧烤架,晚饭吃大白菜还是小白菜。

  * 站在商店的洗手间外面等我。

  * 我感冒了,他还是会用我的杯

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Town's steamboat

wah!!!so many people.....=.=
walau.......so scary man.....can cause cancer.....=S

went to Town's Steamboat with our ex-colleague at night for dinner....
to celebrate our friend's birthday.....
too many people there and we arrived late....no seats for us and we have to walk around so long time to find seats.
too oily and hot inside the shop.....
finally we found a table and can start to eat at 8pm something.....
met Ms. Yeap Chee Beng at there....and also my friend, Wei Theng.
we were so full.....ate too much food....
damn!!!I really getting fatter and fatter......
ate too much and my ability to eat is increasing.damn!
I must keep fit and on diet after i go back to UKM!!!!!

went to E-gate Starbucks after the steamboat....
sit at there for hours and chat around.....
talk about so many things.....and even.....some sort of ghost story, which we scared ourselves in our dorms....damn scary man!!!!
came back home late and I reach home about 2am.....first time in Penang....haha....

miss you so much....

Happy birthhday...

Happy Birthday Myspace Comments

happy birthday to you chonke....long time no see...miss you le....haha....


suppose to study today....my plan is like that....
but at last i slept after come back from the netball training in PCGHS.
slept till 2.30pm....had my "lunch" at 3pm.....
waiting the computer technician to come return my desktop to my house.....
I came back a week ago but never c tiok my desktop until today....=.=
what the heck that he took my desktop to his house for repairing and did not bring it back to me....
called him several times, he said it is ok already but at last did not bring back to us until today....
damn!not responsible for the job also.....

now starting to study my C++ again......I must finish my chapter 4 today
and must keep on study as much as i can so that i can cope back my study after the sem break....
still have a presentation after my break....just the first....so scare le....
i haven't do any preparation.

going out tonight to have dinner with friends.
honestly at start i really don't want to go.....I hope that I can study today....
i know i cannot study after come back from school because I will be tired.
now.....did not study tiok anything and today is going to pass....
I won't able to study after the dinner tonight....i will be tired and at last will be lazy....i know myself too well.....

chatted much with one of my junior today during the netball training.
she is studying form 6 now...lower...
she is Pn. Chin's student....
haha.....they do not like her.....
but i told her, you all sure will like her at last...because the same situation happened to us last time too.....hehe...
really damn miss the time we passed together in form 6 with our form teacher, Pn Chin....
she is a very good and special teacher....
I like her although my physics is very poor and cannot get into her hope....haha....

Friday, 26 September 2008

USM campus in Nibong Tebal

went to Nibong Tebal......USM engineering campus there.....
just to walk around and find min and esther nia.....
that faculty is quite good and big.....although just engineering there only
because if compared to the UKM engineering faculty....they are very big and many spaces there...
there are too many faculties in UKM already.....
we have Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering and more.....
all in one main campus.....
making all faculty looks like very small......haha....

rained very heavy today....suddenly the rain come just after we had our lunch in the Parit Buntar Pekan there.....
went to Queensbay Mall after went to min's house.....
had a short tea time in McD and went to buy some presents for friends....

went to min's house and saw her nephew....
a cute baby born at 19 of October 2008....
just a week old baby...=)

time passes very fast....is Saturday tomorrow.....
I only left one week in Penang here....
hope to stay here longer but I feel quite miss the life in UKM.....
damn! so 矛盾!


finally finish this Hong Kong movie.....
walau......damn nice the movie....
if you are someone who siao Hong Kong movies....
serious....i like it very very much....haha.....=)


cute and funny comics....

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Prangin Mall.....

kean wei and me in Prangin Mall....=)

went to Prangin Mall with Kean Wei to walk around today....
had a great shopping today...haha.....
bought a set of clothes....haha...Kean Wei bought more then me...haha...
really enjoy the shopping with you le....hehe....

not been to Prangin Mall for so long time already....
even when I were in Penang....not really go shopping in Prangin also after Queensbay Mall is opened....
many things changes.....many shops changes the shop lots.....

chatted with an old friend just now......
so regret that did not find her as I reach Penang last Thursday....
she is in UK now......=S
damn sad cannot meet her as she was in Penang for past few days....
miss you so much, shuang........

what happen to you????
just feel like something wrong with you even I just talk on phone with you for a while nia....
if really have something wrong, remember to tell me....
you know....
I always be with you...friend....=)

many friends are coming back in this few days.....
so happy...cannot wait to meet you all...=)

Wednesday, 24 September 2008


Nicole and me






Tuesday, 23 September 2008


free at home today...sleep, watch movies and study....
the C++ is very interesting but quite hard to catch up....have to pay some times on it....
haiz....hope that i can finish it in this holiday la....
how's ur study buddy????still ok??or you totally do nothing leh???
hehe.....all the best o....

I really hope to continue the friendship in good condition with you....
can we???

Monday, 22 September 2008


went to BJ complex with my brother today evening to fix my shoes
walked around there and had a tea time at there.
quite a boring day as I slept almost whole morning and afternoon.

after came back from BJ, just watched movies and did some C++ exercise....
I know i have homework for the calculus....but I cannot do anything as i did not bring my calculus book back to Penang.

so happy yesterday that my dad bought me a new Power sport shoes...haha....
really like it.....

hope everyone enjoy your holidays
miss UKM and you all friends in UKM....
nice and happy holiday to you all....=)

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Seberang Perai City

inside Seberang Perai City

outlook of Seberang Perai City

went to my aunt's house today because it is my uncle's birthday.
in Kepala Batas there....very sien and boring at there.
at last, go out to Seberang Perai City with my dad and brother to walk around....
that is a brand new shopping mall in Butterworth there....
quite high class.....the building just 3 levels only.
the situation here really quite similar to Queensbay Mall in Penang.
just walked around and went back to my aunt's house for dinner and then come back.....

it is fun to come back to Penang and i enjoyed my holidays here....how about you all friends???
just sometimes will feel boring here as you all are not around.....
so hope to see all my old friends in Penang next week....
will be damn busy next week as many friends will come back for Raya holidays.....
but I really cannot wait for it!!!!=)
hope to see you all soon....=)

Friday, 19 September 2008

miss.....but I am here....

just came back from hair saloon for my hair.....haiz...
spent 3 hours at there....

not a good day in Penang here...
yesterday even worse.
at least today is better...

Vicky is going to fly to India today...
wish you have a nice and safe journey.

what can I say, I love the food in Penang so much.
especially those food cooked by my mom....damn nice....
this 2 days really so blissful as i can ate what ever my mom cooked....
I will cook too...haha....

what to say leh???
human being is really not reasonable...
when you get something, you will hope to get more and want to get the things you did not have.
I miss UKM when I am in Penang but miss Penang when I were in UKM...
haiz...I also don't know what can i do to scold myself....

buddy....no worries about the stuff la...
everything will be fine.....
gambate for your final...
let the thing passed....you will be happier...
there will be a brand new day everyday.

God bless....all the best way....

my bebe....Allieson....
me in nando with my yummy dinner....=)
vicky and me

finally home...
never thought before that the first time I drive in Penang is going to Hospital to visit someone....
got a bad news as I reach my home yesterday night....
my babysitter been sent into hospital....
rush to visit her today morning as i woke up....damn sad as I saw her in this morning...
she cannot talk and move anymore....not even eat....
they feed her by using pipes....
I dare not cry out as i saw her...but she cried when she saw me....
damn sad.....but I cannot do anything.....

went out with Vicky and her friend today...
in queensbay mall....walking around and buy my stuffs....
spent a lot again....
had our dinner in nando...quite fun went out with them....
but today not a great day for me as my babysitter situation make me damn sad....
just cannot get cheered up....

I treat my babysitter as my grandma as she really love me so much and treat me as her grandchild....
I love you.....just hope the god will bless you and give you an easy way to go....
no matter what way is that....I will take it....all the best for you and I will always by your side.....
support you.....

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Finally can home......

shawn, kean wei and me
Yamakuchi-sensei in
won this in the Pesta Tanglung Kolej Keris Mas
cute guy from ...haha...

today is holiday in Selangor state....
all classes been canceled....so happy that I can stay in my room for almost whole day.....haha....
watching the movie 家好月圆 after finish my Japanese movie .....
both movie are damn nice.....
in there, I like the Ogata Yamato damn much....he is cute and handsome....haha...
the Yamakuchi also cute too.....she is very nice looking and brave teacher to protect her student....haha....

been cheated to the Kolej Keris Mas Pesta Tanglung yesterday night....
really feel like wasting of time there....
the food just 3 or 4 choices if not mistaken....
just hotdog, nugget, fishballs, chicken rice and drinks....my god....
but cannot deny that their games is much more then the PKB KIY....
8 stations and so many games to play....

finally I can go back to Penang already....haha....
tomorrow is the day....hehe......so miss Penang, my bebe, Nicole and my family.....
miss you all so much...=)
on the other way, I will miss you all in UKM when I in Penang too....=)
see you all after 2 weeks....

have to study SOA exam and my C++ in my Midsem break.
haiz....my holiday have to pass with that because my final exam is after the break...

Tuesday, 16 September 2008



in my room now......all classes tomorrow will be canceled....because is holiday in Selangor here....haha....happy as my schedule in Wednesday always full until I cannot breath.....haha...
going home on this Thursday.....happy with it o....

that is problems between us.....but you said nothing....
then just left it la.....I really hope to solve it and face it with you....
but you disappointed me.....really....

Monday, 15 September 2008


just came back from kolej Ungku Omar (we commonly call it KUO)
went there for the Pesta Bulan celebration.
they supported Kolej Ibrahim Yaakub(KIY) so much, we have to support them too....haha....
met many KIY friends...

had a small quiz in the Hubungan Etnik class...
damn it that we cannot do it well....
I not even finish read the question and the time is over....
no choice, we have to copy the answer from our friends...
read so hard for days (started from yesterday night....alse called days because is more then 1 day)haha.....
gained nothing.....hehe....
seriously I am not suitable to memorize stuff le....
so wonder, how am I going to study in my Biology in the next sem???
although there is friend said want to help me, I think he will rather kill himself for teaching me....haha...
don't know la....just think about it next year....
there will be a examination of Society Of Actuaries in the February.....will I able to take it???
the test is so expensive and will cost me RM400 le.....how a????I will pok kai for it.....
and it is so pressure to take an exam that is so expensive....first time in my life.....

the coming final exam will be damn hard to score for me as I really need some times to study hard and more on it.

"chill" up....

get "chill" up (have to explain here.....read it as the meaning of cheer la...haha...too many people asked already....haha....sorry for my bad English but it has its own meaning...)after chat with friends just now....haha....
thanks for you help...you really great!!!!hehe...
dealing with my tutorial homework now.....haha...
so much homeworks to deal with as I watched movie and sleep for whole day...damn!
suppose not like this....moody day make me cannot do anything....
damn hate with it!!!!
I won't get disturb with this stuff anymore because I know, there are more and more better friends around....


Sunday, 14 September 2008




moody and bad day

had a damn moody and bad day....just like the weather now....raining so heavy and dark for the whole day.
feel better after get a nap during evening.
the Ethnics test is tomorrow....plan to die for it...
really have no mood to study at all.
just finish my first meal for today....scare to get gastric as i really not feeling like want to eat.
feel hungry...and feel not worth for me not to eat and get gastric for this stupid stuff....

thanks a lot for listen to me....you always can be a good consultant to me....thanks a lot....
I feel better now...no worries....

lost myself and...........you

alone in the night till now midnight watching movie....
suddenly feel so cold.

i feel like lost myself suddenly....because i lost you.....my best friend...
are we still good friend???can we still be so close like last time????
I am wondering and losing myself now....
UKM give me so many things but it also take away many things from me....
can you don't be the one????are you still there for me when I need you???
I am so cold now....

想你的天空 下起雨来
是你 哦 是你
让我望穿泪水 肝肠寸断

就像潮水 将我掩埋

Breathless-Shayne Ward

If our love was a fairy tale
I would charge in and rescue you
On a yacht baby we would sail
To an island where we’d say I do

And if we had babies they would look like you
It’d be so beautiful if that came true
You don’t even know how very special you are

You leave me breathless
You’re everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can’t believe that you’re mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you’re leaving me

And if our love was a story book
We would meet on the very first page
The last chapter would be about
How I’m thankful for the life we’ve made

And if we had babies they would have your eyes
I would fall deeper watching you give life
You don’t even know how very special you are

You leave me breathless
You’re everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can’t believe that you’re mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you’re leaving me

You must have been sent from heaven to earth
to change me
You’re like an angel
The thing that I feel is stronger than love
Believe me
You’re something special
I only hope that I’ll one day deserve
what you’ve given me
But all I can do is try
Every day of my life

You leave me breathless
You’re everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can’t believe that you’re mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you’re leaving me
You’re everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can’t believe that you’re mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you’re leaving me

life is less more
Thank you listen

Saturday, 13 September 2008


just chatted with my friend in cafe of KIY.
talked about our PKB KIY stuff....
only I got know that were so many problems happened behind the PKB KIY
haiz....no comment....

had a great day watching movie today....


finally...finish my assignments after "fighting" yesterday
whole day for the assignment.....killing me la...
a little bit free now....hope to get well rest this 2 days and will have a small quiz on Ethnics on Monday....
after that, my holiday is coming...=) happy....
many presentations are coming up their ways after the midsem break...
so....I gonna enjoy my lovely break on the coming 2 weeks.....my Penang.....
I love you so much!!!

so enjoy myself in my room now...
but just one day...I have to continue my study for ethnics tomorrow.....damn!
8 chapters le....siao one...
there are 9 chapters in a book for 1st sem. the first test is in 8 chapters....=.=
want to kill people a?

really hope that nothing happened between us...
because I really care about what you think.....

Friday, 12 September 2008

die in midterm!!!

Meeting room
study box.....we always call it "kotak"
more "kotak"....haha....

just get killed by my c++ midterm just now...
damn shit that my program can run but cannot solve my question with the equation which i put in.
I don't know what is happening as I really know how to do it during practicing but i just cannot make it during the test.
sure die in this midterm!!!!argh!!!

i must do the best for my final exam as my midterm result really like shit!

doing some funny thing now with my friend...
2 people sitting in the same study room but messaging each other...haha...
dealing with my assignment in the study room of library
have to finish it tonight as my friend need it ttomorrow to make slide show....
haiz.....the assignment is driving me crazy......=S


going to have my C++ midterm test later...
haven't finish the study although slept late at 4am in the morning just now.
after Perayaan Kuih Bulan of KIY, just feel free a little bit but my assignments are coming up their ways.
have to finish 2 assignment in one day....today...
my exam will take my time till 2.45pm later.
have to finish my assignment on Ethnics and Persatuan Pelajar.
Persatuan Pelajar is going to have the last class in this coming Saturday.
is better I try to finish the work in today or the latest tomorrow.
have to pass my Ethnics assignment to Hwee them tonight so that they can proceed on with the slide show....
have to pass up our assignment on the coming Monday....

I am going to back to Penang on the coming Thursday.
cannot wait for that day.....I miss you, my hometown....
the feeling step on the land of hometown make me feel so blissful.
this is the feeling for a person who goes outstation for a long time.
miss the foods and everything there which make me feel familiar.....=)

Yu, sorry for not able to help you on that night.
because I were outside for function.....busy with stuff...and cannot help you...
sorry o....=S


Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Pesta Kuih Bulan KIY 2008

PPSM seniors and Ah Seng.......
scared me before took photo......you guys really......=S
stage of PKB KIY 2008.....
enjoy yourselves.....haha......
my friends from other kolej....
Indian Dance
Malays dance
Fire works
spray you!!!haha.....
Scary man!!!!
our advertisment at UKM front door

finally....our KIY Pesta Kuih Bulan KIY is over....
didn't sleep at the night before to prepare for the PKB KIY....
slept at 5am in the morning yesterday to do my movie show for the PKB KIY....
did not go for class yesterday because we cannot finish our preparation....

many people came to our KIY PKB at that night.
the ghost house is so popular until many people queue up so long to go inside...
RM2 per person. those "ghost" were our friends from faculty engineering, FEP and PPSM....
haha....they made the sound of ghost until no sound to talk at last....
they built the ghost house for days until yesterday before the Pesta begun.
they put so many effort on it.....and the ghost house really earned quite a lots of money....

the food stalls were not many enough.
there were no food like mee or rice....only burgers, french fries, nugget, fruits and jelly....
and also "zhen zhu nai cha" and orange juice lo.....
the stage show is not fun enough, the songs choosen for the show is not hot and great enough...
they chose the slow songs and it cannot make the situation become hot.

due to bulan Ramadhan, our open ceremony started late at 10pm at night.
the protocol cannot do the jobs well....making the ceremony not running in the smooth way....so many problems came out on the spot.

I become the camera girl for the whole process...
so tired run here and there to take photos
I started my works 2 weeks ago when they started to do the dediction stuff....
and every meeting of the exco also I have to attend....to take photos to make out a movie show that show out our preparation of the PKB KIY....
sorry to everyone if I did not do the jobs well......
hope that you all really enjoyed the night.....


special thanks to you..buddy...
you really help much in my slide show for this night. thanks ya...
had a great night with you...=)
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