Sunday, 7 September 2008

wasting of time

well....look at my title for today....but i am posting a post to describe my life, yesterday life
i were wasting my time...a whole day time...
by just playing online game....don't ask me what name is that game, i don't know.
just simply play for should not have and had it now as my test is damn near and I am not even started to prepare for it
after that i chat with friend on MSN and watched movie....
and then go out for a meeting of PT KIY...
and then, do my calculus homework...and then talk on fon...and now, i am typing my blog and i am going to sleep soon
damn! I wasted my whole day time! that should be a great and meaningful day for me to study...
but i just used it for nonsense....
when can I started to be hardworking enough???when can I started to stop from watch movie???
just WHEN????


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