Saturday, 21 February 2009


go jogging in the morning.....alone...
quite enjoy actually....
but my stamina is damn bad....last week went out to jogging in the evening and jog to KKM..
this time I change the destination to F. KEJUT (engineering sch)
hmmm.....refreshing after jogging...haha...

came back to my dorms and started my gotong-royong for today...
wipe the fan( because the weather is so hot now.....cannot tahan already!!!)
clean up the floor and almost all my cupboard and my table....
washed my bed sheet and clothes....

finally...sit down and watch drama and had my lunch....
started my Calculus homework in the afternoon after my lunch...
so many 3D graphs driving me crazy...
haiz....testing my imagination....damn hard!!!
so sad to saw wrongly some questions and then did the questions that are no needed...
haiz....never mind la...take as exercise
but wasted my time....

started?! when??
I really don't know....give me some times....I just want to take over that stupid feeling that I should not keep until now...
since....don't know when....=X



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