Saturday, 22 August 2009

is saturday again~~

is saturday again. class, but activity is on.
going to have an activity later.
but rain heavily now...should I go? wondering~~~

had a great talk with someone yesterday.....
haha...seems like I am always blur in many things...
some things were settled down, but actually i still have a lot of things dont know....=.="
but nevermind is going to be ok soon.
because, it is settled and clear now.

well...I should start my study today...looking at my book now...
it is thick~~haha....
I am scare~~
the mid term is on thursday~~~
hope that i can settle it~~~soon...
I am coming~~~operational research.....
add oil~~~

feel tired and fed up with all the activities~~~
I have a lot of works to do......
the anggaran perbelanjaan...dinner application lettersssss....
and my mid sem!!!!!!!!!!
have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow to go to the Pembarisan Tahunan which need for Pentauliahan....
hate it!!!
I already work a I still need pentauliahan????is it still useful??
this won't make my works become lesser...but just more....
what ever la...just feel damn fed up with all the thingssss....

people quarrel again....
what to comment??
don't know....
I am not involved~~~~and not going to also....


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