Tuesday, 3 November 2009

freeze in exam hall....

went out for my majoring paper in KTAMS again today.
is statistics II.
so sien when I felt I can do the questions which i wish to give up while I were studying yesterday night.
this is good right???
no no no....not so good...as when i found out that those questions that I suppose to know how to do, I don't know...this is bad bad bad.....

looking forward for Thursday paper....not because i got confidence. but then is because after that day, i felt a bit free.
all major paper almost done except the last one on Monday.
and....I am coming home!!!

sooo00oo0oo0oo goo00oo0ood...
the exam hall today is just like a refrigerator.
so sien.
very very cold.
I were wearing jacket. but my hands were cold until freeze...seriously, is freeze....
i felt no feeling at all...
sitting inside for 2.5 hours is driving me crazy....
luckily the paper today is the last paper in the damn hall....

now, is the operational research time....
hard subjects.
add oil everyone.

I can feel that is something wrong between you guys. and what i hope is the decision which will be made is satisfy and good for all....
never regret with what you do. because you must think twice before you do it.
don't felt hesitate. just go ahead to find the answer.
and do what ever is necessary and you felt right.
good for all....
add oil~~=)


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