Monday, 29 March 2010

pissed off

came back to this evil UKM again.
went for class, and then the jabatan bendahari again.
hope the coming Wednesday will be the last time I am there.
took a cheque.
but it is not mine. it is all others' money.
when can I get back mine?
I am seriously so poor...
until I almost have no money for my meal...someone please save me!!!

got a shocked news yesterday.
quite a surprise that this kind of things can be happened in a University.
is it too free in that UXM?
if you are so free, please give me your time. share with me instead of you are trying to do something hurtful and make people cry.
damn hell!!!
hate someone be so childish and make my friend so sad.
F*ck off.!!!

please do not be sad my friend.
hope that you can take over it.
look to the front and the good part. this incident let you learn something.
please do not give up in love.
there is someone in this world just for you.
so hope to be with you at that moment, but I cannot.
hope that you will be a happy girl again when I am back.
all the best.
remember that we are always there for you.
I know you need it.^^


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