Saturday, 29 May 2010

hot issue in my house

nowadays my house got a very hot issue.
that is, my brother should go to Singapore or stay in Malaysia to continue his study?
my brother got a great scholarship, can give him full tuition fees, and 3600 Singapore Dollar per year.
but then, he still have to pay for hostel fees and some daily life usage.
headache all the days in this issue.
NTU want my brother to approve before 1st of June.
but UPU only will announce the results at 20th of June.
my brother so eager to study actuarial science in Malaysia.
but he so scare that he cannot get his 1st and 2nd choices.
but in my opinion, according to his results, he will get his 1st choice.
even bad luck, he also can get 2nd choice.
this issue become my house's hot issue.
everyday we been discussed about this.

5 days passed.
today is the 6th day.
8 days more to go.
my working life is going to finish soon....please come faster...^^


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